Its that time of year again when students get to sell back their books in hopes of getting some quick cash to by some gas and get home. It is always debated about which one gives the better cash back return rates. I think they are about even and therefore they both must relie on incentives.
The Bookie and Crimson Gray always duke it out to get those books and offer incentives to do so. Crimson and Gray send out stratch cards to students to try and win an additional cash back discount. This is a great incentive to get students to drive off campus and take their books back there. They also advertised in the Daily Evergreen to give those students who didnt get a stratch card a chance to get some more cash back.
However, the Bookie does have the ultimate advantage which is its on campus location so students can head directly to after their finals. I did see a few advertisments for the Bookie, but it only listed the top bought back book rates, which dont apply to everyone.
Honestly, I think they are the same no matter where you go. I think that C&G give 5.00 back because they dont give you as much initally. So their promotion is more of a gimick. They make you believe that you are getting more back when you actually dont.